'The Commuter' 2021, a self-portrait
'Foil' 2019, created for the official Weird Al gallery show for Gallery 1988
'The Contractor' 2023, personal piece
'Atom Bomb Baby' 2020, personal piece
'Big Pharma' 2021, personal piece
'World Tree' 2021, personal piece
'Eleven' 2019, from the official 'Visions from the Upside Down: Stranger Things Artbook'
'Great Scott! Mcfly! This Is Heavy!' 2020, based on Back to the Future and created for Gallery 1988
'Shooting Stars' 2020, personal piece
'Dolores' 2018, based on Westworld and created for Gallery 1988
'Bishop' 2018, later used in the 2020 Aliens Artbook from Printed In Blood
'Spielboys' 2021, a parody of the Ready Player One poster, created as a podcast cover for a joint venture between Gamefully Unemployed and Small Beans
'Forbidden' 2019, created for Yu-Gi-Oh and Gallery 1988
'Ghosts' 2021, personal piece
'Lunatic' 2021, personal piece
'Badger' 2020, created for the official Firefly Artbook for Printed In Blood
'Escape From the Multicurse' 2022, A parody of the Escape From New York poster, created as a podcast cover for Small Beans
'Moon Titan' 2020, personal piece
'Small Beans' 2021, created for the Small Beans podcast network
'An Ending' 2021, personal piece
'The King's Page' 2018, created for Gallery 1988
'Ashiok: Bad Dream' 2018, created for Magic the Gathering and Gallery 1988
'BANNER' 2021, warm up sketch based on Mark Ruffalo's Hulk
'The Pale Man', based on Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth for a canceled Del Toro Artbook
'Agent Carter' 2019, painting based on Hayley Atwell's Peggy Carter.
'Tooms' 2018, based on The X-Files and created for Gallery 1988
'Crying Titan' 2021, personal piece